It’s been a very busy first quarter for GlobeUs Training! We have enjoyed lots of growth and expansion, especially into our brand new Apprenticeships sector. We are so happy to be able to deliver quality, worthwhile training in a sector we have a huge amount of passion in, and welcomed a new team member as a result! Vicky is our new Assessor for the sector, and we are very excited for her to meet learners and clients. Her infectious enthusiasm for childcare will undoubtedly support GlobeUs’ vision for making education exciting again, and open up a whole host of opportunities for those working in the sector. Our journey into Apprenticeships was only made possible with thanks to our lead provider HTP Training, who have given us a huge amount of support and opportunity through subcontracting. We are incredibly proud to be working in Partnership with HTP and are delighted to offer a referral process for anyone wishing to undertake Team Leading or Management Apprenticeship qualifications.

We also launched a new short course, Babies and Children First Aid, through popular demand from the nurseries we work with. This is a condensed and shortened version of our full Paediatric First Aid training course, and is aimed to equip attendees with the basic life-saving skills that may be needed in an emergency situation with a child or infant. The course is aimed directly at those with the responsibility of a child or children, and is open to anyone who would like to come along. Have a look at the designated page to see where we are delivering next!

We’ve been out and about a lot in April so far to kick off quarter 2, and have been visiting lots of pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels across Southampton, Bournemouth and Poole to promote our Personal Licence course. This is one of our most popular courses, and we offer this both in person at designated venues and online to be as flexible as possible! We also offer a service to process the application for the Personal Licence, including the licensing authority’s application fee, endorsement of your photographs, and your DBS application fee.

Coming up, we have lots of Babies and Children courses planned, and we are increasingly busy with our Apprenticeships – we have been overwhelmed with the number of warm welcomes received and the amount of positive feedback we’ve had from nurseries who share our vision for quality training, and thank all the managers and nursery staff that have met with us to listen to our missions and values. We look forward to meeting with many more over the next few months!

Finally, you may have also noticed the slight change to our website! We have now moved to a webpage so bear with us whilst we iron out the last few little glitches. If there is anything you can’t find, need help with, or any errors you spot drop us a line at!

Well, that’s a brief round up of all our exciting news from the past few months, but check out our news feed for lots more stories and insights into team GlobeUs. Why not join us on social media too!

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