Premises Licence Consultancy Services

£250 + VAT

  • Expert advice throughout your application process
  • Help with completing the relevant application forms including operating schedule and Designated Premises Supervisor consent form
  • Advice on risk assessment and steps to promote the 4 licensing objectives
  • Confirm the non-domestic rateable value of premises
  • Advice on a premises floor plan
  • Produce an advert that will need to be displayed in the local press
  • Produce the notice that will need to be displayed outside your premises

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Premises Licence Consultancy Services

If you are looking to provide the licensable activities i.e. sell or authorise the sale of alcohol/ organising events or late-night refreshments you will need premises licence.

Licensable activities that require premises licence will include the following:

1.      Retail sale of alcohol
2.      Provision of regulated entertainment which includes:

  • Performance of a play
  • Indoor sporting events
  • Film exhibition
  • Boxing or wrestling entertainment
  • Live music or recorded music
  • Performances of dance
  • Entertainment that is of a similar description to live music, the playing of recorded music and dancing

3.      The provision of late night refreshment including serving hot food / drinks between 11pm and 5am
4.      Supply of alcohol

For an additional fee (depending on the size of your premises) we can produce the professional floor plan of your premises: scale of 1:100 which details the entrance, exits, fire equipment, CCTV points and where alcohol will be consumed and sold.