So here we are, June already! Time is flying and we are already 6 months into the year. How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Ours are pretty much a distant memory – after all, life has a habit of getting in the way of the best laid plans!

If you have one resolution for the rest of the year though, let it be to train in First Aid – whether that’s on a full 3-day course, or just the simple 2-hour Babies and Children First Aid course, anything will be incredibly worthwhile and these skills will stay with you for a lifetime.

In the last 24 hours, we have had 3 instances raised to us regarding First Aid, all of which have thankfully had happy outcomes. It just highlighted to us how important this basic life support training is, and how valuable it is to have tucked away in the memory bank should there ever be an occasion for it to be needed.

The Bournemouth Echo have just released an article regarding a man whose life has been saved by a public defibrillator. This just goes to show how in a mere moment the actions of individuals can have a profound impact on the life of another and in this situation actually saved the man’s life. Would you know where your local defibrillator is held? Why not find out here: There are also mobile applications available to download, that will direct you to the nearest machine if you ever needed to use one.

We had an ambulance called to our offices yesterday, for a gentleman suffering a suspected anaphylactic shock. His colleagues did not know what to do as none of them were first aid trained and they had no appointed first aider. Their reason? They “never thought they would need one”. No-one expects to be a casualty or in need of first aid, or indeed be in a situation where first aid was required, but having the peace of mind that you would know how to react in an emergency situation is absolutely invaluable.

Our third instance occurred last night to a former colleague of ours. She has an 2-year old son, who started choking on a piece of plastic found in his dinner – goodness only knows how it got there, but he managed to consume it and began choking, even turning blue after only a few heart-stopping moments. Thanks to previous training, his mother knew exactly what to do and in utter panic and distress amazingly remained calm enough to administer back blows to dislodge the plastic. He is absolutely fine now, though his mum is distraught to know that something like that could happen so quickly. It is every parent’s worst nightmare. Would you know what to do in a situation like this? Perhaps a Babies and Children First Aid course might be a something worth considering.

As always, we are on hand to help and advise at any time so please get in touch if we are able to help you with anything at all. We love visiting all sorts of new places, so maybe your colleagues at work would like an arranged session at lunchtime? Or your friends would like a first aid party at home one evening? Or you’d like to come along to one of our courses? Have a think and we would be delighted to see you on a course with us soon.

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