“If a friend or family member was having a heart attack or was choking, would you know how to help them?”

Well, would you?

We wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t – First Aid training is one of those “to do list” items that, unless it’s necessary to your job role, most people don’t get around to completing. But what if you needed it one day?

We’ve seen terrible atrocities in London and Manchester recently, and so many stories have come to light of those assisting the wounded with First Aid – would you be able to help in a crisis?

Well fear not. As the old Apple saying goes, “there’s an app for that”.

The British Red Cross have a free to download mobile app available on Android, Apple devices, and Windows suitable for mobile phones and tablets. This fantastic resource guides you through simple steps of how to help a casualty, offering you training for when you have time to learn basic life saving skills; there is a section dedicated to emergencies, with videos and instructions for techniques to apply; and it even have a button to dial 999 to save you having to exit the app, open your dialling screen and then dial – saving those precious seconds.

Download it here: http://www.redcross.org.uk/What-we-do/First-aid/Mobile-app 

There are also websites available to locate your nearest AED device for those suffering from a heart attack: visit http://www.heartsafe.org.uk/AED-Locations. Why not add that to your bookmarks too while you’re at it.

Together, we can help equip each other with vital life-saving knowledge; we all hope we never have to use it of course, but personally I’d rather be safe than sorry.

Know of any other useful resources or apps to suggest? Drop us a line and we will add it.

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