August has arrived, bringing with it chilly and rainy weather – so much for the summer holidays! Though, we mustn’t complain – “it’s good for the garden”, or so they tell us!

GlobeUs turned 2 years old in July, and we celebrated with cake and a good old team photo – check out our snap below! We’ve also been celebrating a number of achievements with our Apprentices this month: we have had our first 5 learners complete their full Apprenticeships which is a huge milestone, and so many more passing their Functional Skills qualifications. We want to extend our huge congratulations to everyone once again for their achievements, and really look forward to hearing of your successes in the future. Please stay in touch!

The ESFA have just released their new tender for funding for Apprenticeships, so we will be bidding for our direct contract starting in 2018. This is very exciting and a fantastic opportunity for us, so please keep everything crossed!

The University of Southampton Early Years Centre kindly hosted 2 Babies and Children First Aid courses this month, both of which were sell-outs. Both evenings were great fun, and it was really lovely to be back delivering a course we hold in such high regard. We also had the opportunity to further solidify our relationship with BH Live and The Portsmouth Pyramids Centre by delivering a Personal Licence Course to some of their fantastic team – we always look forward to working them as their team are always so enthusiastic and keen to learn. A joy to work with!

Personal Licence has been as busy as ever, and we are starting to get very excited for our first 2 courses in Birmingham and Manchester in September. These are brand new venues for us, and we cannot wait to get going! Personal Licence is getting to be so popular that we have welcomed a new trainer to our team to help us with delivery, and take the pressure off Aneta. We very much look forward to working with him over the next few weeks to show him the ropes.

Our Equality and Diversity Newsletter went down a treat last month and we received wonderful feedback, so thank you to everyone who subscribed and have read it! We will be sending out August’s update later this week so please watch this space. If you see any stories you think should be featured, or would like to be included on the mailing list, don’t forget to drop us a line and we’d be delighted to add you. This month features some more important information for the Prevent Duty, Health and Safety updates, and so much more. We’ll also publish it right here on our webpage and will send links out via our Social Media pages.

Finally, wish us all the best of luck for Friday, won’t you? GlobeUs are off on a Team Day Out to Go Ape – we must be mad! Let’s hope the rain stays away ☔

‘Til next month,

Team GlobeUs

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