Hi everyone!

Quick as a flash, that’s May done and dusted; with 2 bank holiday weekends in the mix it’s seemed like a short month, but wasn’t it sunny! The week commencing 19th May was certainly a scorcher with top temperatures recorded at 25C – though my car thermometer indicated on occasion it was even warmer than that. This week has been a little cooler, thank goodness, with plenty of thunderstorms, but it seems we are heading into sunnier weather again so long may it continue into June and the rest of the summer.

June marks half way through the year, and the 21st is the summer equinox – this is a special time to reflect on the year so far and to plan for the coming period, so why not sit down and revise those new years resolutions? This also means we are hurtling towards Christmas which is the most exciting part! But don’t get me started on that – we’ll be here for hours!

May was a month of challenges for Operations Director Luke Bailey, participating in Tough Mudder and the Hope24 Run. Both are such fantastic events and a huge congratulations to Luke for achieving them both – as you can see from the photos below, it was certainly not an easy task! We are all considering the Tough Mudder Half for next year as a team building activity, so watch this space for more muddy GlobeUs employees. Director of Quality, Aneta Orlowska, and Apprenticeships Manager, Ellen Mould, will be participating in Race for Life in June which is always a favourite event of ours. We will be doing it in Bournemouth on Sunday 11th June, so see you there!

In terms of GlobeUs news, we are incredibly excited to announce the launch of Personal Licence in Birmingham and Manchester. We are very much looking forward to visiting these two special cities to expand our Personal Licence offer, and our first dates here are coming up in September. We will be promoting the courses on social media, but by all means please pop us a message below if you would be interested in attending.

Of course, we saw the terrible scenes in Manchester last week and felt a huge sadness for the victims caught up in the atrocities. It is always heartbreaking to see any news like this, but it particularly struck a chord with us as it is on home soil and in a city we are hoping to get to know a lot better, so we send our love and thoughts to all those affected.

Personal Licence continues to be incredibly popular across the South of the country, with Bristol regularly selling out. London and Plymouth have been 2 new areas for us, and have also been incredibly popular which has been great to see – both now have additional dates which are also selling fast and have now become a regular location for GlobeUs. Joining Brighton and Southampton, we hope our staple locations for APLH courses can open up training to as many individuals across the South as possible. Are there any locations you’d prefer? Drop us a line below. We have planned our course dates for APLH up until the end of the year, with all dates to the end of October published on the website; let us know if there is one you’d be interested in, or if you need to know any dates for November and December.

Apprenticeships are also remaining strong; there has been a slight delay with funding being allocated by the Government due to the recent reforms and the upcoming election, but we hope this will be reinstated as soon as possible to be able to enrol more candidates onto a programme with us. GCSE exams are in full swing at the moment, and we wish you all the very best for your exams. If you would like any advice on next steps please do contact us and we will be happy to offer any advice we can.

Finally, we are delighted to welcome a new member to the GlobeUs Team! Lauren will be starting with us in June as a Childcare Trainer (Assessor) to help take care of some existing candidates, new learners, and to help us expand, so we are really looking forward to getting to know her. Lauren has fantastic experience within the Childcare sector and has so much to bring to the role, and we hope you will join us in making her feel very much at home here.

I think that’s everything for our monthly round up this time; we’ll see you again next month!

Best wishes as always,

Team GlobeUs x

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