So, last night we delivered our very first Infant First Aid course to a group of 14 mums! We thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone and had some brilliant feedback from the participants. Everyone went away with a certificate of completion and our bespoke emergency card with a quick guide to some of the most urgent situation, so they can pop it on the fridge should they ever have to use it.

We have renamed the course “Babies and Children First Aid” after some discussion with our clients, so that it is clear exactly what the course is for, and will be looking at including more about grazes and burns to make sure everyone knows how to administer first aid properly.

We are running our next course on Wednesday 16th March in Portchester, so why not come along! We’d love to have you there. We’re also planning 2 more, in Winchester and Southampton, so watch the page to find out more.

Alternatively, we can come to you! Just give us a call (01329 848714) or send us an email ( if you’d like to see how we can help you.

We look forward to having you on course with us very soon 🙂