Equality and diversity is so much more than just “treating everyone the same” …

Equality and diversity enhances everyday life and simple changes to normal activities can ensure all individuals are included and given equal opportunities to achieve. Our newsletter offers updates on E&D, Safeguarding, Prevent Duty, Mental Health Awareness, and Health and Safety, as either found in the news or highlighted as our topic of the month.

In this issue:

  • Equality and Diversity in the News
  • Prevent Duty
  • Safeguarding and Mental Health Awareness
  • Health and Safety

Equality and Diversity in the News

The Financial Times issued an article this month considering the difference between Equal Opportunity and Diversity. Often the two are confused, for example the recruitment of more women into male-dominated roles – whilst this increases diversity in terms of gender, the truer impact of this is addressing the issue of equal opportunities. Diversity occurs from a wider range of factors, and the FT defines “real diversity” as the “diversity of thought, attitudes, values, behaviours”. https://www.ft.com/content/be337ec8-9976-11e7-a652-

Following last month’s news story regarding Google’s lack of diversity, The Guardian have highlighted that the issue of discrimination and sexism is not limited to the technology industry, and is found in many others including the Scientific Community. They report the launch of a new network called EDIS (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Health Research), co-founded by GlaxoSmithKline, Wellcome, and the Francis Crick Institute, aiming to “inspire and encourage” the UK’s scientific community to make E+D a “top priority”. Read all about it here: https://www.theguardian.com/science/political-science/2017/sep/05/how-can-uk-science-raise-the-bar-for-diversity-and-inclusion

The Prevent Duty – Topic of the Month

The Prevent Duty is a set of regulations placed on certain bodies to have a “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. Prevent aims to work with sectors and institutions to reduce the risk of people being drawn into radicalisation and extremism.

But what is radicalisation and extremism?

The Government definition for Extremism is:

“Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”.

This also includes calls for the death of members of the British Armed Forces.

Radicalisation is the “process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that reject or undermine the status quo or undermine contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice.”

Part of our duty within education and as citizens is to look out for potential signs of radicalisation and/or extremism and to report them to the appropriate authorities. Common signs to look out for include:

  • Changes in behaviour/ mood and language used;
  • Expressing strong/ extreme political or radical views;
  • Appear increasingly sympathetic to terrorist acts;
  • Changes in appearance;
  • Spending excessive time on their own and/or on the internet – reclusive;
  • Seeking to hide view/opinion, activities etc.

Common platforms that could be used to radicalise individuals and/or to promote radical and extremist views include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Fm
  • Tumblr
  • Private Messaging
  • Internet Webpages

We can monitor these for any signs, and remember to report any concerns immediately. There are online contacts as well as phone numbers; you can email prevent.engagement@hampshire.pnn.police.uk, or go to the Government website: www.direct.gov.uk/reportingonlineterrorism to report issues.

Remember: be vigilant! If in doubt report anything suspicious to 101 or 999.


Safeguarding and Mental Health Awareness

Mental health and wellbeing is a key topic here at GlobeUs, and this month we’ve been talking about an article in The Metro about how to look after your mental health when you are physically ill. With the colder months slowly creeping in, this is an ideal time to talk about ways to keep mentally healthy even with nasty bugs bringing you down. Here are the top tips from Metro.co.uk.

1. Let someone who cares about you know that you’re feeling rubbish:

“Going days without any human interaction is bound to send you into a negative mental health spiral. Ask someone to take care of you – even if they can only pop by after work to bring you soup, that’ll make a huge difference.”

2. Give yourself a routine:

“It’s easy to fall into days that have zero structure when you’re sick. You don’t go to work, you sleep whenever you feel like it, and it’s not long before you’re up at 3am feeling poorly, miserable, and questioning everything you’re doing. Do try to add some structure to your day when you’re off work, just to keep your mind busy and less likely to wander into dark places. Don’t overload yourself with errands, but it’s worth still getting up to shower, having meals at regular times, and generally making sure your time off doesn’t become a massive blur.”

3. Stick to your usual sleeping pattern:

“When you’re ill, rest is hugely important – but napping all day will only make you feel mentally bad when you’re wide awake at 3am. Set alarms, try not to spend the entire day in bed, and if you nap, make sure it’s not for longer than an hour.”

4. Get outside:

“Even if it’s just for five minutes. Popping into your garden for a bit or strolling to the corner shop for more tea will stop you feeling like you’re locked up in your house, remind you that the world’s still turning outside your sickbed, and expose you to fresh air and daylight.”

5. Keep taking your meds:

“But be mindful that they may not be as effective if you’re ill (e.g. with D+V bugs), and make sure they won’t cause issues with any physical sickness medication you’re taking while you’re ill. Double check any medication for with your GP or local pharmacist.”

6. Only let yourself look at your work emails in scheduled windows:

“Seeing all the stuff that’s happening while you’re away can only be damaging. The temptation will be there, so if you can’t put off all work-related stuff while you’re off sick, at least schedule in your work focus to specific windows of time so it doesn’t take over your entire day.”

7. Be your own mum:

“Give yourself permission to look after yourself a bit. Treat yourself how your mum would treat you, with the highest level of care: taking your temperature, setting yourself up on the sofa with a blanket, making sure you are constantly drinking fluids, and making yourself comfort food.”

8. Remember that this will pass:

“When you’re feeling bad, can’t breathe through your nose, and feel like you’re at your absolute lowest, remember that all the other times you were sick: you did eventually get better. You will get better. Your body will recover and your brain will stop telling you the worst things about yourself. View your physical and mental symptoms as passing experiences, and when you feel like they’re going to last forever, remember that they won’t. This is a low point, but you will get better.”

Read the full article here: http://metro.co.uk/2017/09/18/how-to-look-after-your-mental-health-when-youre-physically-ill-6934895/


Health and Safety

The summer holidays are a busy time for popular holiday destinations like Weymouth, but Health and Safety must remain a top priority despite the growing crowds. A popular attraction in Weymouth, the Jurassic Skyline Tower, broke down this month, trapping 14 people including an 11-month old baby for more than 6 hours before being rescued by a coastguard helicopter. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has launched an investigation into what caused the Jurassic Skyline tower to break down, following a similar incident earlier in the year, and is supporting Merlin Entertainment to ensure the attraction remains safe for all visitors. http://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/15539174.Health_and_Safety_Executive_launches_investigation_into_Jurassic_Skyline_breakdown/

Big Ben’s bongs could chime once again, following a review into the decision to silence them. Andrea Leadsom, the Leader of the House of Commons, has requested the rethink suggesting that workers could wear silencers instead. Health and safety rules have led to the 13-ton bell being taken out of action to protect the hearing of construction workers on site, but the cessation of the bells until 2021 has proven controversial. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/07/bong-big-bens-four-year-silence-could-end-early-commons-agrees/.


That’s all for this month – see you in October!

Team GlobeUs