Equality and diversity is so much more than just “treating everyone the same” …

Equality and diversity enhances everyday life and simple changes to normal activities can ensure all individuals are included and given equal opportunities to achieve. Our newsletter offers updates on E&D, Safeguarding, Prevent Duty, Mental Health Awareness, and Health and Safety, as either found in the news or highlighted as our topic of the month.

In this issue:

  • Equality and Diversity in the News
  • Prevent Duty
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Health and Safety

Equality and Diversity in the News

The Head of Inclusion and Systems Leadership at the NHS Leadership Academy, Tracie Joliffe, has been looking at why “Diversity and Inclusion are Critical to Leading Much-Needed Change in the NHS”. Part of the change needed is to help the NHS work towards their preventative strategy, working with minority groups to identify underpinning causes for common health problems and work with them to overcome or prevent it. Tracie hits the nail on the head, stating “Diversity comes with innovative ideas about how we can move things forward and make the most of our talents and prospects”. Read more here: https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/blog/back-to-basics/.


Google have made the headlines this month following an internal memo being shared. The “anti-diversity” memo allegedly argued that the disparities in gender within Google could be explained by “biological differences between men and women”. It’s faced a rather large backlash from employees and makes interesting reading on The Independent’s website. Find it here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/google-anti-diversity-memo-manifesto-lgbt-gender-equality-backlash-a7879756.html.

The Prevent Duty – Topic of the Month

Do you know what The Prevent Duty is, and what your responsibilities are to uphold it? Well, here’s a quick reminder in case you missed our last newsletter:

We must:

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it;
  • Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support;
  • Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address.

But what does this mean, and what do we need to look out for?

We have a duty to actively promote, exemplify and educate individuals regarding the key principles we abide by in Britain. We must encourage colleagues and those around us to respect others, particularly with regards to protected characteristics. These are called our Fundamental British Values. There are 4 main values:

  • Democracy: making decisions together and respecting different opinions and choices.
  • The Rule of Law: understanding the law and that rules matter; no one person is above the law and will be held to account for breaking it.
  • Individual Liberty: freedom for all and understanding that we are all entitled to different opinions.
  • Mutual Respect: Tolerance of different beliefs and faiths.


When protecting individuals from Radicalisation and Extremism, and carrying out our responsibilities under the Prevent Duty, we need to know what changes could make an individual vulnerable and what signs to look out for.

Common Signs:

  • Changes in behaviour/ mood and language used;
  • Expressing strong/ extreme political or radical views;
  • Appear increasingly sympathetic to terrorist acts;
  • Changes in appearance;
  • Spending excessive time on their own and/ or on the internet – become reclusive;
  • Seeking to hide views/opinions, activities etc.

Common platforms for this include:

  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc.)
  • Private Messaging
  • Internet webpages

Remember: be vigilant! Report anything suspicious to 101 or 999 straight away.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is something that is not often spoken about at work or in general within society – but we are seeing a dramatic change to this at the moment. Part of our Safeguarding strategy here at GlobeUs is to look after individuals as a whole, and mental health awareness is a key part of this. Below are some current news stories featuring mental health awareness:

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is well under way at the moment, and a new award has been introduced this year for shows featuring the sensitive subject of mental illness. This follows several successful trailblazing shows in previous years and is a real step forward in raising awareness.  Read more about the new wave of performances on the Guardian’s website here: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2017/aug/14/edinburgh-festival-mental-health-illness-theatre-comedy-dance.

Recent data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act shows that paramedics have helped over 30,000 more patients (172,799) in crisis in 2016-17 compared with 140,137 in 2014-15; this is a rise of 23%. The Government has faced criticism for its budgetary restrictions on early intervention and prevention services, and this has been attributed as the cause for the rise in so many seeking help. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/aug/13/ambulance-call-outs-mental-health-patients-soar-23-per-cent.

The Eastern Daily Press are featuring a series of articles at the moment called “You Are Not Alone”, looking to raise awareness of mental illness and to encourage anyone suffering to seek help. Here are some of the highlights so far:

“Carers struggling with their mental health should seek help before they reach crisis point”: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/mental-health-takeover-carers-struggling-with-their-mental-health-should-seek-help-before-they-reach-crisis-point-1-5147318.

“Lifting the lid on living with OCD”: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/mental-health-takeover-lifting-the-lid-on-living-with-ocd-1-5147551.

“Mental health takeover: Depression – myths vs reality”: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/health/mental-health-takeover-depression-myths-vs-reality-1-5147286.

Health and Safety

More than a quarter of young people are not following proper Health and Safety procedures within the workplace, according to an article written by Facilities Management Journal. Alarmingly, a third of 18-34 year olds surveyed would not know what to do if a hazardous situation occurred. Read the article and findings here: http://www.fmj.co.uk/young-people-workplace-not-taking-hs-seriously-enough/.

The Independent reports that a “third of private rented homes fail basic health and safety standards”. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/private-rental-homes-health-safety-standards-fail-third-landlords-lease-flats-houses-a7883016.html.

NHS trust staff who run Leighton Hospital have earned a national health and safety award: http://thenantwichnews.co.uk/2017/08/14/leighton-hospital-staff-earn-national-health-and-safety-award/.

Pupils from Meadowbank Primary School and the Children’s Centre Atherton have been given a lesson of the dangers of a building site by Countryside building staff in Wigan: http://www.leighjournal.co.uk/news/15469810.Primary_school_pupils_given_a_lesson_in_building_site_health_and_safety/.

Big Ben’s famous bongs are to be silenced for up to four years for health and safety reasons as restoration work begins: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/big-ben-set-to-be-silenced-for-four-years-during-restoration-work-a3610821.html.


That’s all for this month – see you in September!

Team GlobeUs